Technology in Art
Technology in the Arts encourages guest bloggers to contribute their thoughts to our
conversations. I am please to introduce
to you Debra Sherrer who offers a perspective you might find useful if your
organization is in debate concerning implementing or evaluating a recent
implementation of “Tweet Seats.” Enjoy!
To tweet
seat or not to tweet seat; that’s the question on everyone’s mind. After a
rather engaging conversation at the Theater Communications Group Annual
conference in Dallas, I went home thinking about the pros and cons of new
technology and how it can be used to engage today’s audience. If our audiences
are evolving, why are we still connecting with them in the same manner as the
previous generation of administrators? After the success of email, facebook,
and blogs, it only makes sense to give the Twitter verse a try, right? But what
I realized in Dallas was that the question, “Why?” can be applied to anything;
and should actually be applied to everything. Your success with Twitter, just
like your success with any initiative, will have a direct correlation to a
clearly defined “Why?” It’s easy to think that you should jump on the tweet
seat bandwagon because supposedly everyone is doing it, but that is simply not
the case. If you’re “Why?” is something like “I want tweet seats because XYZ Theater has tweet seats,” then you will have a hard time finding success. Every
organization is unique and you should do what is in its best interest.
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